Naylor launches ‘Don't walk by’ EHS initiative

In a move underlining its commitment to embedding best practice with regard to health and safety, employee wellbeing, the environment and quality, Naylor has launched its “Don’t Walk By” initiative across the business.  The initiative is designed to embed a culture where care for others and the environment is seen as everyone’s responsibility.

“Don’t Walk By” will: include face-to-face sessions held with all employees in small groups which are designed to equip them with knowledge and skills around important issues as well as encourage them to put forward ideas for improvements across all areas of the business;  reinforce the use of an anonymous reporting system which encourages reporting of safety concerns and highlighting of environmental issues; illicit feedback on quality matters, and include an ongoing internal communications campaign to maximise engagement.

The campaign which began at the end of June also includes the circulation of a video entitled “I could have saved a life” where employees voices speak the words of a poem highlighting the importance of speaking up when they see a potential health and safety issue.

Keren McBratney, the EHS Director at Naylor, comments: “At Naylor, our culture and our working environment is as important to us as the equipment and facilities we use. Care for others, the communities in which we live and work, and the environment is everyone’s responsibility.  We want to emphasize that, encourage our employees to be proactive, to not walk by and to work together as a team to make improvements and drive forward our health, safety and environmental standards whether that’s picking up litter that has blown into a walkway or highlighting an opportunity to improve productivity on a production line.”

Naylor employs around 200 people at two manufacturing sites based in Cawthorne near Barnsley and in Methil, Fife. 

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