We’re a modern, dynamic company with a track record in innovation which exceeds 130 years and a long-standing commitment to developing market-leading solutions and excellent customer service enabling essential infrastructure.

Lead by a charismatic leadership team headed by the fourth generation of the Naylor family, Naylor is passionate about the construction industry and providing customers with the best products and a personal service.

This spirit extends throughout the business resulting in a modern company full of skilled and dedicated staff where people want to work and rising stars are allowed to shine.

Our team is continually searching for new ways to improve products, services and processes. Their enthusiasm is backed by significant investment in R&D and state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities.  This enables us to provide our customers with innovative products which are backed by stringent testing and industry certifications.

Naylor | Engineered for life

Our Values

Our vision is to be a modern, profitable and growing business which is rewarding to work with and for.

How we will achieve it:

Relentless innovation
Investment in state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment
Motivating, training and developing our people
Organic growth and acquisition
Building our brand
Applying our values across every part of our business

Everyone of our employees plays a vital role in helping us achieve our vision.

Our team is:

Entrepreneurial and innovative
Enthusiastic and motivated
Intolerant of unnecessary bureaucracy and delays
Proud of their achievements and the company
Act with honesty, integrity and positivity at all times

Net Zero Sustainability

We are thoroughly committed to achieving ‘net zero carbon footprint’.

Naylor are working hard to achieve annual quantification of our carbon footprint. This is a crucial requirement when understanding our current impact on the environment in terms of carbon footprint, also highlighting areas where carbon emissions are most prevalent.

Read more about what we're doing
Illustration of woman riding a bike with wind farms and solar panels in the background
A word from our CEO
“As a long-standing family business, at Naylor we seek to continuously involve our employees in all of our decision making processes.”
Edward Naylor
CEO - Naylor Industries PLC

Our Manufacturing Locations

View All Locations


Clough Green, Cawthorne Barnsley

Naylor Scotland

Entrance off Sea Road, Methil, Leven, Fife, KY8 3DE

Recent Awards & Recognition


The Queens award for Enterprise: International Trade 2021

2021 Naylor Clayware received The Queen's Award for Enterprise in the International Trade category.


European Business Awards

2016 Received out Ruban d'Honneur at Europeans Business Awards Gala Dinner and Award ceremony in Milan


Winners of the Made in Yorkshire 2013 Export Award


Highly commended in the Environmental Business Category at the 2013 Barnsley and Rotherham Chamber of Commerce business awards